中國保險業前景 ... ...

2006-11-14 7:18 pm
中國保險業係咪有好大發展前景,有乜相關行業股份值得推介 ???

回答 (2)

2006-11-14 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係呀, 中國人以前好迷信, 覺得買保險好唔吉利, 但係時代變啦, 大家教育程度高了, 社會富裕了, 開始明白保險的重要. 現在有買的人都係佔兩成幾, 仲有好大的發展空間, 除著社會的高速發展, 保險業的需求必定激增. 最大的保險公司, 2628 and 2318, 前景無可限量, 前者係業內龍頭, 後者有HSBC做大股東!!!
參考: 自己
2006-11-14 7:49 pm
china insurance market is just at the beginning stage, in the coming year, will have high speed development. Most of the people still not to have insurance. You know how many people in China!!! Market is very very big, the future is very very good.!

China Retailing and food market is the best value also.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 15:27:29
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