自學CPL再報國泰cadet program問題~~

2006-11-14 5:58 pm
想請問o下國泰cadet program係唔係唔會請自己比錢學完Commercial Pilot License d人ga~!?

咁果個有ATPL個candidate係唔係最後都出入到cx o既cadet pilot program~!? thanks~~


好多謝各大俠指教~~~ thanks~~

回答 (6)

2006-11-15 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果 你考到有ATPL 咁你都好有錢 (PPL 50HR +CPL 250HR +ATPL 1500HR)就算計最平的 都要80USD/HR 仲有GROUND TRAINING
要如果既,就不如 如果你好似超人咁

首先,唔好想你會因為有乜牌物牌 人家就會請你

CADET PROG 唔一定你要有牌 ,相反,有牌唔係一定得
AIRLINE 選人 冇一定規律 除了一般你應有的知識 (中七 )
還有你在不同環境下的反應 人際 ...........這些你怎學也學不到 (是由內心出發 情急時的下意識反應)

但,他們不會說你 太高學歷 (終身學習呀)

ATPL 理����合格 再加上CPL 有1000飛行小時 ,可以直考 SO (SECOND OFFICER)
2006-11-21 2:03 am
Tell you for sure that you can get in with a frozen ATPL, so CPL, PPL is also welcome. But what licenses that you have is not the main concern to them.
2006-11-16 2:47 am
首先有沒有licence以及邊種licence都不會直接影響你在interview的成績. 是否有licence只會讓你在initial screening時比較容易過,但之後interview都係要睇你表現. 如果你己經有licence的話,interview時會問你較多關於飛行的專業知識,簡單來講如果你有CPL的話會問你CPL的知識,而且可能會好深,你一定要熟讀,因為如果佢問而你又答唔出的話,你個interview就注定泡湯.

而有licence亦唔代表Cathay一定請你,無論係PPL又好,CPL又好,甚至ATPL都好,其實去到3rd,4th stage selection已經唔會有優勢,因為事實上係有唔少人都有licence,但唔代表有licence就一定比你入. 任何人有四肢,身體健全的話都可以去讀,去考licence,但唔係個個都有potential入airline. 我都聽聞有唔少人已經有ATPL,但一樣入唔到.

另外,ATPL有分frozen同full licence兩個stage,frozen係當你考完pass左7科ATPL筆試後發的牌,當你累積1500小時飛行時數同meet哂所以requirement之後就會發full ATPL,而一般係唔會有人自己出錢飛1500小時,99.9999999999%的holder都係入職然後累積時數,多數係regional airline,charter或政府.

另外Cathaydirect entry雖然係1500小時,但多數去考的都已經有3,000小時,而且好多係multi-engine,turbo-prop甚至jetliner的機師,而且Cathay direct-entry係會請經驗最多的,我自己個instructor有2,000幾去報都入唔到...
2006-11-16 1:04 am
I think it's even better if u got a CPL for cadet programme ,,, of course that depends on ur performance during interviews....
I am now studying PPL in Australia too, after that i will back to HK for cadet programme too ... hope to meet u there .... !!
2006-11-15 3:52 am
The answer is Yes/No. i.e. cannot tell. It all depends on your application, interview etc...

通常他們會以Over qualified來reject你. 因為你已經有cpl喇嘛. => Wrong. a cadet has actually finished himself the ATPL before applying for Cadet.

2006-11-14 19:53:24 補充:
earn more hrs to apply SO啦..... = wrong again. SO needs ATPL. CPL is not enough.

2006-11-16 21:30:52 補充:
It's frozen ATPL (i.e. the whole cadet pilot course). sorry for the confusion. Yes, this candidate was admited to Cadet Pilot.
2006-11-14 8:17 pm
通常他們會以Over qualified來reject你. 因為你已經有cpl喇嘛.

earn more hrs to apply SO啦.....

2006-11-15 09:39:57 補充:
ATPL requires at least 1000 hrs, and needs at least 100 hrs of night VFR and 100 hrs of instrument time within those 1000 hrs. if that cadet got the ATPL already, i wonder y he applied for the cadet program but not direct entry for SO....

2006-11-16 09:42:33 補充:
其實除了CX, 你可以試試其他AIRLINE啊.做這一行, 都預左周圍去.所以不一定要做hk based的airline啊最緊要有experience, 到時本錢多左, 不怕沒公司請你啦

2006-11-16 09:45:18 補充:
可以看看中華的cadet prog. they just required 250hrs(not too sure... but around 250-300hr) p.s. 我男朋友都在找工作 :)
參考: me

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