
2006-11-14 10:58 am
英國政府/澳洲政府有冇一個官方網站好似www.legislation.gov.hk或者www.hklii.org咁可以搵到晒所有條例ar?????其實我想搵英國1985年既companies ordinance section 14其實係up緊乜....有冇人幫我搵條link???

其實我要晒所有version.....can any one find them for me???I don't know how to use that website

回答 (2)

2006-11-14 12:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In UK, Laws are called 'Acts' so you would be looking for Companies Act 1985 which had been amended several times in 1992,2004 &2005. Some parts of the Act has been repealed.
The newest version you can find it at the Office of Public Sector Information (Laws are published on their website, officially) http://www.opsi.gov.uk/
[Since I don't know which version of the Companies Act 1985 you're looking for, you'll need to search it on that website.]

2006-11-15 10:58:35 補充:
I can't post the text here as it exceed the number of text allowed, but you can find the text in the following link. Note that it is a private website.http://www.uk-companies-act-1985.co.uk/s-32
2006-11-18 8:32 pm

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