
2006-11-14 10:33 am
我想知道"心靈領域"這個名,英文是怎樣串的,知道的tell me .

回答 (1)

2006-11-14 4:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are no official terminology in English of "心靈領域"

Close translation of the meaning to "心靈領域" it will be
The domains of Mentation

for example
In Hinduism what is negated is all the particularities
of the world, including oneself, and when they are
done away with, the attributeless Brahman remains,
and serves as the absolute, a blank, homogeneous
absolute. In Buddhism what is negated is the
particularities of mind, the products of mentation,
and what happens, both out there and in here is not
negated at all. What happens still happens with all its
incommensurable richness and differentiation, but
what has changed is that one doesn't attempt to
duplicate it with one's mentation. One merely
observes what happens, out there and in here,
without attempting to impose one's interpretation on
it, and doesn't create a self to coordinate that
interpretation. In the absence of the running
commentary that mentation is, what happens comes
in what all the greater alacrity, because it flows free
of the interference of mentation. The manifoldness
of what happens comes out with all the greater
salience, in contradistinction to the blank,
homogeneous absolute of Hinduism.
參考: Hope it helps

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