Can anyone answer this question ??

2006-11-14 9:04 am
I alway hear someone say "cum射精 for me" . How to spell "cum射精 . I don't very cleanly it is cum or cam .
<< don't say anything like I don't know>>

I want EXHAUSTIVE answer . Thanks

回答 (4)

2006-11-14 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Uhmm . . . uhmm . . . uhmm . . . oh! Feels so good," the
man moaned. "So damn good! Oh . . . uhmmmmm! Gonna' cum!
Gonna' cum hard! So hard!"

The above paragraph is copied from a pornographic. The man moaned before his orgasm (shot his sperm). In this paragraph, CUM means his orgasm is coming, he is going to shot his sperm.
2006-11-14 7:50 pm
i wanna be ejaculated
2006-11-14 10:16 am
cum= come.....
in english cum = 射精 or high.....
2006-11-14 9:10 am
may be is a not very good answer. But I think is cam

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