
2006-11-14 8:58 pm





感謝大家給我感覺 ^^

回答 (4)

2006-11-14 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
WOW,really is you XXI have called you a few time with out luck, you have been on holiday for a long time!! I really missed you!It has been over 8 days since I was  not able to find on last tuesday.....I haven't heard anything about you, like you disappear from the planet!I was even worried about whether you have run into trouble!I am feeling much better now after hearing your voice!Y - Do you always give your self a long holiday when ever you complete a project?
2006-11-14 9:35 pm
Oh..Is it really you?!
I tried calling you several time and could not reach you. You took a long vacation. I really miss you!
I ring you since last Tuesday. It is about eight days that I did hear a thing from you. You like vanished from this planet.
I was really worried about you. Now, I am releifed after hearing your voice.
So, do you usually take a long break after a project?
2006-11-14 9:11 pm
Oh! It is really you, XX.
I have made phone call several times, but got nothing from you.
You must have had a long, long vacation.
I miss you so much.
It's been eight days, since I called you last Tuesday.
I never get any information from you. It lookst like you have already disappeared from the earth.
I was so worry and wonder if you are in some trouble.
I feel better now, after I hear your voice.
Do you usually take a long vacation after you finish this kind of work?
2006-11-14 9:08 pm
Wow, it's really you/xxxx!
I've called you a few times but couldn't reach you, you've been on vacation for a while!
I missed you a lot.
It's been 8 days since I called you last Tuesday but couldn't find you.
Didn't hear any news about you, I thought you had disapeared!
I was a bit worried if you had some troubles or anything.

But I was glad to hear your voice.
Hey, do you always take a long break after you finish your work?

大概就是這個感覺 =▽=
參考: 自己

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