「take note of」同「take notice of」有何分別?

2006-11-14 6:20 am
不是意思上,是用法上, 請勿使用字典機, 謝謝

回答 (1)

2006-11-14 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
take note of 是「記好」「記牢」, 指特別用心把某件事物/事情記下來; 可指實際用筆 (jot down) 或其它方式記低, 也可指在腦海中牢記. 另外也可說 make note of.
"Deadlines are strict, so take a note of that date now." (請記好最後繳交日期, 否則後果自負.)
take notice of 是「理會」
"There are beggars everywhere in Shenzhen, but you are advised not to take any notice of them." (深圳滿佈乞兒, 你最好不要理會他們.)

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