economics vs sociology

2006-11-14 6:20 am
what is the difference between economics and sociology?

Some people claim that economics is all about how people make choices while sociology is all about why they don't have any choices to make.
Any supporting evidence for that?

回答 (1)

2006-11-24 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
The definition have two version
Traditional one
Economics is the study of behavior in allocating scarce resources to satisf unlimited wants
Steven Cheung 's one
Economics is an empirical science resting on the axiom(postulate) of selfshness or self-interest to explain and predict human behaviour

Sociology is the study of society and human social action. Society is formed with many individuals. To be well organized, there should be rules in the society. Thus, individuals would act and react on those rules. Such actions might or might not influence the rules as well.

2006-11-24 00:34:44 補充:

2006-11-24 00:34:55 補充:
比個例子你:大衛李嘉圖(David Ricardo)所提出嘅比較優勢定律(comparatively advantages)根據李嘉圖的理論,即使一個國家在所有製造業中比其他國家更加高效,它也能夠通過專注於其最擅長領域、與其他國家的進行貿易交往而獲取利益。李嘉圖認為,工資應該自由競爭,同理也不應限制從國外進口農產品。比較優勢的好處體現在分配和增加實際收入。在李嘉圖的理論中,分配體系包括了對外貿易的影響,外貿並不直接影響利潤,因為利潤只隨工資水準變動。它對收入的影響是良性的,因為外貿不改變商品價值。

2006-11-24 00:36:42 補充:

2006-11-24 19:29:14 補充:

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