
2006-11-14 6:13 am





回答 (6)

2006-11-14 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Ming Dynasty's Hong Kong area has been gradually vigorous in business trade, the population also has the growth, becomes coast defense important place. At that time, the Ming Dynasty garrisoned in here south, mainly was for defend area China sea's pirate, Japan comes "the Japanese pirate", Portugese and Holland's invader. In the Ming Dynasty the leaf, the Guangdong coast has three groups to patrol the sea to prepare the dwarf 官軍. Center road "from Dongguan County south end the city, leaves the hall for worshipping buddha gate, the cross gate, cold water angle Zhu Haiao". The hall for worshipping buddha gate in the Hong Kong area, this area obviously belongs to the road defense perimeter. During ten thousand all previous years "Guangdong along Nautical chart" center the sign had Hong Kong as well as the Chek Chu, the clay wells up, geographic name and so on Jianshazui. In addition ﹐ Hong Kong when Ming Dynasty is rich in and exports the fragrant wood. This kind of fragrant wood belongs to Wan fragrant, also names the daughter to be fragrant, same year in places such as Guangdong and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces warmly welcomedded. It is said, "Hong Kong" the name origin is because fragrant wood being rich in with exportation.
參考: ME
2006-11-16 7:56 pm
be a good people please
no more 自問自答 la
2006-11-15 7:33 am
The area now known as Hong Kong became an important trading region and a significant strategic location for the Chinese mainland during the Tang and Song dynasties. These populated townships or villages had never been collectively known as Hong Kong before the British administration. The area began to attract the attention of China and the rest of the world again in the 19th century, when it was ceded to Britain after the Opium Wars. Hong Kong's earliest recorded non-Asian visitor was the Portuguese mariner Jorge Álvares who arrived in 1513. Álvares began trading with the Chinese, and the Portuguese continued to make periodic trade stops at various locations along the coast.

Tea, silk, and other Asian luxury goods were introduced in Europe by the Portuguese, and by the mid-18th century these items were in high demand, particularly tea. The British, to redress their net outflow of payments to China for tea and to force China to conduct relations like other states, invaded China, winning the First Opium War in 1841. During the war, Hong Kong Island was first occupied by the British, and then formally ceded by the Qing Dynasty of China in 1842 under the Treaty of Nanking.

Hong Kong entered a dark age during the Japanese Occupation of World War II, which lasted for three years and eight months. Many Hong Kongers were executed by the Japanese army during the war. There was a significant resistance movement most notably on Lantau Island. After their defeat by the allied forces, the Japanese surrendered on 15 August 1945. The port was quickly re-opened and welcomed a mass migration of Chinese refugees in 1949 from the civil war. Many refugees escaped to Hong Kong fearing the new Communist government in China.

Hong Kong had been a trade port ever since the British occupation, but its position as an entrepot declined greatly after the United Nations ordered a trade embargo against the People's Republic of China as a result of the Korean War. In response, a textile industry was established, taking advantage of the new pool of workers from China who were willing to work for almost any wage. During this period, the economy grew extremely rapidly. Towards the 1970s, Hong Kong began to move away from the textile industry and develop its financial and banking economy. This led to even greater growth, and Hong Kong quickly became one of the wealthiest territories in the world. Its position as an entrepot was revived when the Open Door Policy was adopted by the PRC in the late 1970s under Deng Xiaoping.

Flag of Hong Kong before 1 July 1997Pursuant to an agreement known as the Sino-British Joint Declaration, signed by the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom on 19 December 1984, the whole territory of Hong Kong under British colonial rule became the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC on 1 July 1997. In the Joint Declaration, the PRC promised that under the "One Country, Two Systems" policy proposed by Deng Xiaoping, the socialist economic system in mainland China would not be practised in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's previous capitalist system and life-style would remain unchanged for at least 50 years, or until 2047. Hong Kong would enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters except diplomatic affairs and national defence.
2006-11-15 4:26 am
香 港 名 的 由 來
1)因 海 盜 香 姑 盤 據 香 港 島 得 名
據 古 老 傳 說 , 清 朝 嘉 慶 年 間 , 有 海 盜 林 某 與 其 妻 香 姑 橫 行 於 伶 仃 洋 一 帶 , 後 為 清 海 軍 將 領 李 長 庚 擊 敗, 林 某 逃 死 並 死 於 台 灣 , 香 姑 則 率 餘 眾 佔 據 港 島 , 後 人 因 而 稱 之 為「香港島」。
但 據 史 籍 記 載 , 清 代 並 沒 有 名 叫 香 姑 的 海 盜 , 本 港 各 區 亦 未 有 發 現 任 何 相 關 的 史 蹟 , 加 上 中 國 人 向 來 痛 恨 盜 賊 , 理 應 不 會 以 盜 名 為 一 島 之 總 名 , 故 此 說 實 不 足 信 。
2)因 島 上 紅 香 爐 山 得 名
據 古 老 傳 說 , 今 日 銅 鑼 灣 天 后 廟 前 的 紅 香 爐 , 是 從 遠 地 漂 來 而 停 在 廟 前 沙 灘 上 。 時 人 遂 將 它 放 置 在 廟 前 , 並 稱 廟 後 山 峰 為 紅 香 爐山 , 廟 前 之 海 灣 為 紅 香 爐 港 。 其 後 漸 演 變 為 全 島 的 全 名 , 稱 為 香 港 島 。
但 據 《 新 安 縣 志 》 中 的 地 圖 所 載 , 島 上 既 有 紅 香 爐 山 , 亦 有 香 港 村 , 二 者 既 同 時 存 在 , 地 點 亦 有 別 , 故 「 香 港 」 之 名 實 非 由 紅 香 爐 山 演 變 而 來 。
3)因 本 港 盛 產 莞 香 而 得 名
本 港 自 明 代 起 已 是 盛 產 莞 香 的 地 方 。 當 時 , 每 年 由 東 莞 南 部 , 新 安 與 本 港 所 產 製 的 香 品 , 常 在 尖 沙 頭 ( 今 日 的 尖 沙 咀 ) 用 小 艇 運 至 石 排 灣 , 再 改 用 艚 船 轉 運 往 廣 州 。 因 此 時 人 將 運 送 香 品 的 石 排 灣 東 北 岸 ( 今 日 的 香 港仔 海 灣 ) 稱 為 「 香 港 」 , 意 即 運 香 販 香 的 港 口 , 英人 稱 為 "Fragrant Harbour" , 即 芬 芳 的 港 口 。 位 於 港 灣 畔 的 村 落 , 遂 名 香 港 村 。
康 熙 初 年 時 曾 因 海 盜 猖 獗 而 行 遷 界 令 將 村 民 盡 徙 內 地 , 康 熙 八 年 復 界 後 , 居 民 遷 回 重 建 香 港 村 , 建 圍 牆 以 自 保 , 因 此 又 名 香 港 圍 , 今 稱 黃 竹 坑 舊 圍 。
參考: me
2006-11-15 3:49 am
1. Hong Kong's English name is derived from two Chinese characters, Heung and Gong ("fragrant harbour"). Originally this was only the name of a small settlement near Aberdeen, the main fishing and entry port for pre-colonial Hong Kong Island. Some historians suggest Hong Kong's Chinese name was inspired by its export of fragrant incense.

The explanation for Kowloon's name is even more romantic. In Chinese, the peninsula's name is Kow Lung ("Nine Dragons"). It is believed this dates back as far as eight centuries to Emperor Ping, one of two boy-emperors of the doomed Sung Dynasty whose court fled to Hong Kong. He is said to have counted eight mountains in the area, and decided to name it "Eight Dragons" based on the belief that a dragon inhabits every mountain. His tally was corrected by a quick-witted courtier who pointed out that as emperors were also believed to be dragons, there were nine dragons - Emperor Ping being the ninth.

The origins and historical validity of the legend are still widely debated. An ancient rock inscription, which lies in a small park, in Kowloon City, by the edge of Hong Kong's former International Airport, confirms the boy-emperor's traveling palace was in Hong Kong.

2. {Hong Kong} acquiring fame, its {the spice} has closely . The spice is one is solid , some likes a sandalwood dead wood root which congeals by the fragrant wood fluid juice becomes, is the multi- spices raw material. The former person are many by the household utensils abundant spice, again uses water fumigation, overflows the fragrance fumigates the clothes or repairs Wan leaves the fragrance is south most famous, therefore {Wan is fragrant}. Today New Territory Dabu's Sha Luo?, the *****in the source village all is the year Sheng xiang place. and local spice, Chang Youjian sand (namely today Jianshazui) the fragrance (fragrant usesto Shi Pai? (today Hong Kong young one ), after minor port centralism again to each place. Shi Pai? north shore one therefore by {Hong Kong}, Italy namely and spice harbor. But is located the port bank the village also by harbor , {Hong Kong village}. Because Chang Shouhai incites , after the villagers constructs the self-preservation, therefore {Hong Kong village} {Hong Kong}, namely today bamboo pit one . The latter English Hong Kong , ascends after the Chek Chu , calls the group the people by a name to lead the way, to today in one . the English way {the Hong Kong village} , the place name , the group by answers {Hong Kong}, English person namely by sound {HONG KONG} . From now on after, "Hong Kong" then became the entire name .

2006-11-14 19:50:46 補充:
Hi ! THX for teaching me how to change my name!
2006-11-14 6:47 am


The waterfall where foreign ships got fresh water. Near the waterfall was a village called Hong Kong Village (香港村), which prompted foreigners to incorrectly name the island Hong Kong


sorry, 我搵唔到english version~~

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