有關 relative isotopic mass , carbon-12 scale

2006-11-14 5:34 am
係chem書裡面以經講晒D RELATIVE MASS
proton 1 neutron 1 electron 1/1837
1.咁carbon-12 scale 有咩用以及對rim有咩影響。
係用個scale搵到relative mass?
如果有,咁點解唔用重量單位,無既話,咁點解要用carbon-12 做scale。3.書話r.i.m. ~ mass number ,但我見好多知識既回答都話
r.i.m. = mass number ,咁邊個先係真。


回答 (2)

2006-11-18 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Relative isotopic mass

isotopic mass is the relative mass of a particular element on the mass of carbon-12 scale
e.g. the isotopic mass of chlorine35 is 35
the isotopic mass of chlorine37 is 37
the isotopic mass of carbon12 is 12
the isotopic mass of carbon13 is 13
relative atomic mass of a particular element is the average weighed of the relative isotopic mass
e.g. 35-Cl : 37-Cl=3:1
relative atomic mass=(35 x 3 + 37 x 1)/4=35.5

Carbon-12 scale
i had explained in chinese, i try to explain once again in english.

as long as u know. the mass of an atom cannot be measured with any balance practically. so how to describe the mass of an atom?

the scientist try to make a scale that using carbon atom as a reference point. they define the atomic mass of carbon-12 is 12 units ( don't ask how the definition come from, it just like asking why 1cm is 1cm ).

with this scale, we can obtain the atomic mass of other atom.

for example. the mass of hydrogen atom is 1/12 of C-12 atom so the relative atomic mass of hydrogen atom is

12 x ( 1/12 ) = 1unit

I hope ths information will help you a lot.
2006-11-18 7:43 am
1.carbon-12 scale 其實只不過係一個單位搵唔到relative mass

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