
2006-11-14 4:13 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-14 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mine is also showing the same sympton. It gradually becomes black then deep blue/purple.

I have asked many others for the reason, they said it's the light plus food. 1st, you need to keep the light on as much as you can... then, you have to feed them with a food that has 增色 effect. Then, it will gradually heal.

Also, when 鸚鵡魚 becomes total black, it will be extremely aggressive and you have to keep them away from other fish. My 鸚鵡魚 ate a lot of other fish.

Be careful with black 鸚鵡魚.

如果真係有人搵到任何有關七彩鸚鵡魚o既資料 , 係話七彩鸚鵡魚因為外在染料刺激其身上色素細胞o既真係乜都得呀 , 亂講就當事實。
如果真係可以咁細條就刺激佢身上色素細胞 , 咁即係一直都會係咁o既色啦 , 咁點解未見過大條o既綠色或藍色o既鸚鵡呢 ? 因為刺激o左佢身上o既細胞而變得短命 ? 還是係直頭變o左第二條魚呢 ?
我都想有人提供到有關o既資料 , 我可以自己係屋企幫o的色轉顏色呀...

參考: me
2006-11-14 4:23 am

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