
2006-11-14 3:29 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-15 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

2006-11-14 22:13:27 補充:

2006-11-14 22:14:30 補充:
參考: 自己
2006-11-14 8:53 am
...I don't think so....
Nowaday it's almost impossible to start a war like that... also USA ans other country will help Japan because if China start a war without any reason...
2006-11-14 3:59 am
If China mobilize 300 thousand (30萬軍隊) soldiers to attack Japan. Japan will not be defeated.
The reasons are the following:
1. United State of American will help Japan.
2.The USA advanced Navy (includes marines ), Air Force (includes airborne forces), strategic missile force and nuclear missiles can protect Japan.
3.Japan military power is not weak anyway.
4.In World War II,Japan used 4,000,000 solidiers to fight the coastal area of China but she failed to defeat China.
5.It is very difficult to send adequate soldiers (China has no any aircraft carrier or nuclear battleship) across the Japan sea, says 300 thousand (30萬軍隊) soldiers .
6.We hope one day, China has a bright and sound economic system and attract Japan 300 thousand (30萬 ) Skilled labour to serve us. Is it better than to have a war?

The following information is searched from CIA Wold book:

Military Power of China
People's Liberation Army (PLA): Ground Forces, Navy (includes marines and naval aviation), Air Force (includes airborne forces), and II Artillery Corps (strategic missile force); People's Armed Police (PAP); Reserve and Militia Forces (2006)
Military service age and obligation:
18-22 years of age for compulsory military service, with 24-month service obligation; no minimum age for voluntary service (all officers are volunteers); 17 years of age for women who meet requirements for specific military jobs (2004)
Manpower available for military service:
males age 18-49: 342,956,265
females age 18-49: 324,701,244 (2005 est.)
Manpower fit for military service:
males age 18-49: 281,240,272
females age 18-49: 269,025,517 (2005 est.)
Manpower reaching military service age annually:
males age 18-49: 13,186,433
females age 18-49: 12,298,149 (2005 est.)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
4.3% (2005 est.)

Military Power of Japan
Japanese Defense Agency (JDA): Ground Self-Defense Force (Rikujou Jietai, GSDF), Maritime Self-Defense Force (Kaijou Jietai, MSDF), Air Self-Defense Force (Koukuu Jietai, ASDF) (2006)
Military service age and obligation:
18 years of age for voluntary military service (2001)
Manpower available for military service:
males age 18-49: 27,003,112
females age 18-49: 26,153,482 (2005 est.)
Manpower fit for military service:
males age 18-49: 22,234,663
females age 18-49: 21,494,947 (2005 est.)
Manpower reaching military service age annually:
males age 18-49: 683,147
females age 18-49: 650,157 (2005 est.)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
1% (2005 est.)
2006-11-14 3:34 am
2006-11-14 3:33 am

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