F1 Science,Chemistry Questions...help!!

2006-11-14 3:26 am
What is the melting point of dry ice?
What is the boiling point of alchol?

Pls answer, 10 marks will be given!!


回答 (3)

2006-11-14 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Melting point of dry ice = freezing point of Carbon dioxide = -78℃
Boiling point of alcohol**= 78.4 °C
** (In general usage, alcohol usually refers to Ethanol. However, we better say Ethanol in chemistry, because alcohol can refer to different kind of alcohol)
參考: wiki...
2006-11-14 3:46 am
The melting point of dry ice is -78.
The boiling point of alchol is 78.
2006-11-14 3:42 am
There is a melting point for dry ice but dry ice will not melt in room temperature. It turns directly from solid into gas. The process of this physical change is called sublimation. The sublimation point of dry ice ( CO2) is -78°C.

Different kinds of alcohol have different boiling points, here is an example:

The boiling point of the alcohol Ethanol is 78.29 °C

But i cannot find any more information. Sorry.

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