Vocabulary(5 marks)

2006-11-14 3:00 am
what does the word "stereotype" mean in both chinese and english?
better to give some examples~~

回答 (3)

2006-11-22 9:05 pm
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KK: []
DJ: []
n. (名詞 noun)
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

鉛版,陳腔濫調,老套(vt.)使用鉛版,套用老套,使一成不變 Stereotype \Ste"re*o*type\, n. [Stereo- + -type: cf. F.
1. A plate forming an exact faximile of a page of type or of
an engraving, used in printing books, etc.; specifically,
a plate with type-metal face, used for printing.

Note: A stereotype, or stereotypr plate, is made by setting
movable type as for ordinary printing; from these a
cast is taken in plaster of Paris, paper pulp, or the
like, and upon this cast melted type metal is poured,
which, when hardened, makes a solid page or column,
from which the impression is taken as from type.

I hope this will help you
2. The art or process of making such plates, or of executing
work by means of them.

{Stereotype block}, a block, usually of wood, to which a
stereotype plate is attached while being used in printing.

資料來源(3): Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]
Stereotype \Ste"re*o*type\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stereotyped};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Stereotyping}.] [Cf. F. st['e]r['e]otyper.]
1. To prepare for printing in stereotype; to make the
stereotype plates of; as, to stereotype the Bible.

2. Fig.: To make firm or permanent; to fix.

Powerful causes tending to stereotype and aggravate
the poverty of old conditions. --Duke of
Argyll (1887)
n : a conventional or formulaic conception or image; "regional
stereotypes have been part of America since its founding"
v : treat or classify according to a mental stereotype; "I was
stereotyped as a lazy Southern European" [syn: {pigeonhole},

2006-11-14 3:15 am
1.Meaning:process of printing from a printing-plate cast from a mould of a piece of
printing set in movable type.
e.g.Print by the use of stereotypes
2.Meaning:fixed in form;used and repeated without change.
e.g.stereotyped greetings
2006-11-14 3:10 am
It mean a fixed idea about a particular type of person or thing, which is often not true in reality固定的形象或模式
e.g. : In advertisements, women are often stereotyped as housewives.

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