為什麼貓兒會有FIP, 有什麼傳染途徑? 可以避免嗎?

2006-11-14 2:21 am
很愛自已的貓, 但一向也有聽聞FIP這病症對貓兒是絕症, 自已有做research 資料, 知道最重要是加強貓貓的抵抗力, 但想再瞭解多些, 請各愛貓人回答!

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
FIP is caused by FCoV (Feline Corona Virus).. a bit similar to AIDS is caused by HIV virus as in human.

As for 傳染途徑:
FCoV can be transmitted by birth and sharing of litter tray with a FCoV positive cat. In rare cases a fight involving scratches or open wounds may transmit the virus as well. In a natural sampling, FCoV is found amongst almost 90% of cat population (as I read from UK vet articles).

As for 為什麼貓兒會有FIP
However, only about 1-2% of those FCoV positive cats will develop into FIP. There're two forms of FIP, namely dry and wet FIP. Wet FIP is evident if you found your cat's stomach swollen for no reason and/or her eyes and nose area turns yellow-ish. Symptons of dry FIP is less evident but the cat might experience a loss of appetite and vomiting.

As for 可以避免嗎?
Yes and No.
Yes because you can avoid your FCoV negative cat knowingly coming into contact with a FCoV positive cat. If you're a breeder, you should test for your breeding cats for FCoV (although tests in HK are not 100% accurate and I heard you might need to send the sample to Glasgow UK for accurate test) As said above, only 1-2% of FCoV +ve cats will develop into FIP and most cases involve kittens and older cats. Adult cats (1yr or above) rarely develop FIP as long as they're kept happy and healthy. That means if you're having a mix of grown up +ve and -ve cats in a household, there's no reason to separate them as long as they're happy and healthy but just that the litter tray MUST be kept clean all the time.

No because once a cat with FCoV develops into FIP there's little or nothing you can do except taking measures to slow down its development as of today's vetinary medicine. I heard of a FIP vaccine that are being trial on cats but the results hasn't been satisfactory (and is causing perfectly healthy cats to catch FCoV & FIP). Alternative medicine such as Lingzhi and Chinese acupuncture might help but bear in mind that this is a fatal illness. Some cats pass away within 2 weeks of diagnosis and some might survive for up to one year tho...

P.S. Yes you're right the most important thing is 加強貓貓的抵抗力. you might want to give her some dietary supplement, garlics, brewer yeast etc... Keep up your good work of loving your cat and giving the best of yours however you can =)
參考: Myself (my son passed away of FIP last year...), my vet, online research
2006-11-17 5:44 am
FIP(Feline Infectious Peritonitis)由 FCoV(Feline coronaviruses)引起, 這種病毒與另外
一株病毒FECV(Feline enteric coronavirus)在外形上與病原性難以區分, 也有人認為
FECV會突變成FCoV. 通常感染到FCoV發展成FIP的機會小於10%.

通常是以食入病毒顆粒的方式傳染, 但吸入也有機會讓病毒入侵.
貓砂盆是主要的傳染場所, 因為被感染的貓會經由糞便排出病毒.
所以多貓場所, 特別是多隻貓共用一個貓砂盆很容易造成集體感染,

在多貓的環境, 且共用貓砂盆.(寵物店或是收容所)

因為FIP是一種因為免疫複合物的疾病(Immune Comlex Disease), 所以增加抵抗力並不
FIP比較像SARS而不是AIDS, 在治療方面的原則是給予免疫抑制藥物, 給予消炎藥物,
還有投予抗生素避免二次性細菌感染, 最後就是給與適當的營養.有人常試給與殺病毒藥
物, 不過沒有足夠資料分析.
參考: 1.Hills 5-minute veterinary consult 3ed. 2.Feline internal medicine secrets. 3.Small animal internal medicine 4th

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