
2006-11-14 1:45 am
各位可不可以幫我找下 Roald Dahl的"The BFG"的小說和同一作者的"Matilda"2篇野的原文

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 5:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 到圖書館借啦,中英文都有o架!
英文版The BFG 同埋 Matilda 都係在 JF DAH (兒童圖書館)會搵到的
中文版方面,《好心眼兒巨人》 (譯自The BFG)在兒童圖書館 889 3007, Matilda找不到中譯版本……
The BFG 好似講巨人孤兒的,Matilda我睇過(十世前……),好似講個好奇怪的小女孩,詳情唔記得lu,唔好意思……
2. 去買囉
到Page One 買一定有,到三聯等大型書局都會有,不過英文書會好貴,我諗呢d書都要$50度一本。

建議你到圖書館借,你附近的圖書館沒有就預約啦,兩個半一本o者,好過你去買,上網到google search o下都應該有,或者到香港圖書館網頁的e-book resourses睇下啦!(www.hkpl.gov.hk)
2006-11-18 5:34 pm
1. Go to E-bay maybe you can have discount.
2. I find the iternet that only cost 30 dollars
3. Maybe you cna just go to library.
4. Or you can go to English Yahoo, maybe it will be more cheaper.

But that is a good book.
I will try to hlpe you find it.

I do my best to search it, I hope these information will help you.

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