What is UMTS ??

2006-11-14 12:34 am
I need to have details explanation.Thanks

回答 (1)

2006-11-14 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
全寫Universal Military Training Service=普遍軍訓和服役
Universal Military Training Service (UMTS) is one of the third-generation (3G) mobile phone technologies. It uses W-CDMA as the underlying standard, is standardized by the 3GPP, and represents the European/Japanese answer to the ITU IMT-2000 requirements for 3G Cellular radio systems.

Some of the rollout problems operators faced included:

overweight handsets with poor battery life;
problems with handover from UMTS to GSM, connections being dropped or handovers only possible in one direction (UMTS->GSM) with the handset only changing back to UMTS after hanging up, even if UMTS coverage returns;
initially poor coverage due to the time it takes to build a network;
for fully fledged UMTS incorporating Video on Demand features, one base station needs to be set up every 1–1.5 km. While this is economically feasible in urban areas, it is impossible in less populated suburban and rural areas;
competition for broadband access from Wi-Fi;
lack of significant consumer demand for 3G.

UMTS supports up to 1920 kbit/s data transfer rates (and not 2 Mbit/s as frequently seen), although at the moment users in the real networks can expect performance up to 384 kbit/s - in Japan upgrades to 3 Mbit/s are in preparation. However, this is still much greater than the 14.4 kbit/s of a single GSM error-corrected circuit switched data channel or multiple 14.4 kbit/s channels in HSCSD, and - in competition to other network technologies such as CDMA-2000, PHS or wLAN - offers access to the World Wide Web and other data services on mobile devices.

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