超急問題 , 請救救我吧?????英國倫敦轉機問題

2006-11-14 12:25 am
本人有以下問題, 你們能否為我解決. 因本人第一次到英國, 故想知轉機問題.

(座BA去)我由Heathrow轉機到阿姆斯特丹. 在你的資料是由Terminal 1 to Terminal 4. 我上過Heathrow網址. 總是弄不清怎樣做轉機.

1. 到機場後是否要check out, 然後再取回行李, 再到Terminal 4 check in. 因為有些人話這樣轉機有些航空公司是無需取行李. 到達目的地, 即AMS先取行李.

2. 同時轉機由Terminal 1 to Terminal 4. 是搭heathrow express. 但在地圖內找不到. 究竟是在那裏搭. 請跟據Heathrow Terminal 地圖指示.

3. 到Terminal 4 是否要Check in呢.

4. 想問我在香港機場是否一次過取全部的boarding pass. 包括LON - AMS, BAR... - LON.
若不是, 是在那裏取的.

5. 另外我想知是否可在網上CHECK IN, 如是, 個張BOARDING PASS又在那裏取呢

回答 (3)

2006-11-14 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to Terminal 4 by using the Heathrow Express (free of charge) from Terminal 1. There are many signs to show you how to get to Heathrow Express (train like MTR).

2. If you take a transfer flight, no need to check out.

3. At Terminal 4, you will have check in.

4. You should have the boarding passes from the Hong Kong counter. If not, then you have to go to the Airline service counter at Terminal 4. But I am sure that you will have all the boarding passes from the Hong Kong counter when you first check in at HK airport.

5. Yes, you can do online check-in. And, you will get the boarding passes from the BA counter at HK Airport (a special counter for online check-in).

I do travel to Heathrow quite frequently. You should not have any problem in getting to Terminal 4 (from Terminal 1). And there are many people you can ask. Normally, as long as you can speak a little English, they are very helpful. In the worst case scenario, talk to the Police there. They should be very polite.

Good luck.
2006-11-14 5:02 am
1. 一般轉機都不須在轉機機場再提取行李,航空公司會安排,為保險計你在第一站check in時向地勤人員強調行李要直飛AMS.,同時亦不妨留意職員為你辦的寄艙行李的標簽貼紙是否註明往你的目的地(AMS.)

2.至於Heathrow的各Terminal可行路直達,到時你按著指示標誌行就得,不須擔心,不會迷路的,由Terminal 1 至 4 頗遠的,帶著手提行李會辛苦些,有輪子的小行李箱好些。

3.首站通常會給你全程的boarding pass,但未必編好座位,他會提醒你轉機時到時到那兒劃位,你按著做就是,不用擔心。

4.轉機時不須要再check in ,依著指示的轉機的路線行,再根據屏幕顯示找對你要坐的班機閘口入閘就是,不過在倫敦轉機入閘搜身,搜手提物件仍然很嚴格。

5.我未聽過有網上check in這回事,網上做,如何查閱你的証件,甚至入境簽証、寄艙行李點辦?


2006-11-13 21:05:31 補充:
剛看到樓上網友介紹on line check in 的方法,原來如此辦,也謝!
參考: 最近的自己經驗
2006-11-14 12:33 am

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