HELP!!!!econ問題in eng~唔該哂~

2006-11-13 11:31 pm
if bird flu were to happen in our local chicken farms, what would be the expected impact on the consumption patterns for local live and oversea frozen chicken respectively? explain with illustration of diagrams.


回答 (2)

2006-11-14 12:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Becouse with the bird flu were broke out at the chicken farms,
the demand for the local live chickens will decrease,
the demand curve with shift right and the price will decrease‧
And becouse of oversea frozen chickens and the local live chickens are substitutes,
the demand for oversea frozen chickens will increase,
the demand curve of oversea frozen chickens will shift left,
the price of oversea frozen chickens will increase‧

參考: me
2006-11-14 12:00 am
it is only the CE level question, and you can answer many kings of answers as you want. the following is just one of examples.

Bird flu happening in hk, if chicken is one of the must of local ppl, local ppl need chicken every day. the E is very low and demand curve is very flat. When chicken die because of the H5N1, supply drop and Q decrease,P increase.

At the same time, chicken can be sold at higher price in local market, so forzen chicken will be imported into local market. In forzen market, the supply of chicken will drop, and the P increase too.

You can deal with the picture la.(i think)

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