
2006-11-13 11:30 pm

我第一次, 試試在超市買了 "李錦記的調味白醋; 473毫升, 透明的, 上註明可作浸漬食品, 沙律及壽司及烹調甜酸菜式"; 回家來自行浸醃甜酸菜/甜酸蕎頭/甜酸蘿蔔, 但結果味道完全並不是在酒樓和市面買到的現成浸醃甜酸菜/甜酸蕎頭/甜酸蘿蔔的 "甜酸味", 簡直是無甜酸味!!!!!!!! 請問應該如何浸醃甜酸菜/甜酸蕎頭/甜酸蘿蔔?

浸醃甜酸菜/甜酸蕎頭/甜酸蘿蔔是應該用什麼醋浸醃的呀? 要煮嗎?

超市也有有賣甜醋, 但是黑色, 應該是供煮孕婦食的黑色豬腳薑的而並不是供浸醃甜酸菜/甜酸蕎頭/甜酸蘿蔔用, 那麼浸醃甜酸菜/甜酸蕎頭/甜酸蘿蔔應該買什麼醋來醃呢???

食浸醃"甜酸青瓜/甜酸菜/甜酸蕎頭/甜酸蘿蔔" 等會否容易引至生癌症? 日本人提倡食醋, 飲醋, 是有何益處? 還是醋浸醃食品容易引至生癌症?


回覆此問題的下列朋友中, 藍天竹君的意見只是用買回來的白醋不用煮, 只要加沙糖調味便可, 但另外一位Tingaling君的意見是用買回來的白醋要加冰糖"加熱煮", 那麼, 其實是應該把買回來的白醋 White Vinegar 加熱煮還是不用加熱boil煮???

回答 (3)

2006-11-15 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我手頭上有一本泰國食譜, 入面有教點整蕎頭,
書入面寫, 係用"米醋", (我諗你可以試下買壽司醋...我平時用都係用韓國米醋)而且要同糖, 塩, 水一齊煮十分鐘左右, 當然你煮果時最好開肯個抽氣扇啦, 因為果整味真係幾難頂....最後你當然係要有個樽裝左佢, 醃佢一個禮拜

醃料: 600ML 米醋, 600克糖, 600ML水, 一茶匙塩,
材料: 500克蒜頭

將米醋, 糖, 水, 塩放入煲內煮十分鐘左右, 令糖完全溶化....之後灘凍佢....
蒜頭去衣, 洗浄, 溺乾....
用熱水涮下個樽, 用黎僻走樽入面既味, 然後抺乾...
將蒜頭放入樽內, 灘凍左既醃料注入個樽入面, 封實個樽口, 然後等佢醃一個星期....咁一個WEEK之後可以拿出黎食...

參考: 我本書係德國買, 我將佢翻返做廣東話...
2006-11-14 1:57 am
First of all, buy a bottle (about one catty) of good quality Chinese rice vinegar.

Boil the vinegar with Chinese Rock sugar (it is better for our health). To begin with, you can start putting 1/3 of a box and then add more until you consider the 'sweet and sour' taste is most suitable to your taste buds. I cannot tell you exactly how much sugar to put, because some people prefer it sweeter, some prefer it not too sweet.

After the sugar has melted, turn off the fire and allow the liquid to cool.


For example, if you wish to make pickled garlic and white turnip/red carrot.

You should : (a) peel off the skin of the garlic, wash and leave the garlic to dry.
(b) peel off the skin of the white turnip/red carrot, wash and cut it into the size of french fries and then put them in a big seive and sprinkle salt on top and mix well. Leave it in the sink for a while and you will see the white turnip/red carrot getting soft and water dripping through the sieve. When they have all gone soft, you can squeeze them a bit more. Take one and taste it, if too salty, rinse it quickly with water.

After rinsing, quickly sqeeze out the excess water and then spread it out to dry.

In order to make it dry faster, use a dry clean kitchen cloth to absort the moisture.

Make sure the garlic or white turnip or red carrot is dry before you can put them into the sweetened vinegar.

Now, the vinegar must be completely cold before you can add the above vegetables.

****** Please note the container for the vinegar MUST BE made of GLASS or PORCELAIN.

Once you add the dried vegetables, cover the lid. Try to taste it after 24 hours. If not ready, leave it for another 24 hours until it is perfect.

Using the same method, you can also make pickled baby onions, pickled ginger etc.etc..
2006-11-13 11:47 pm

2006-11-13 15:48:07 補充:

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