
2006-11-13 11:11 pm
想問Grandcentral and Furama Hotel這兩間幾多星級?近唔近市中心?我計劃報名Jetstar航空公司推出四日三夜機票加酒店HK$800

回答 (3)

2006-11-14 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
你看一看tripadvisors la.

All two hotels are in the central area. If you go there for sight seeing they should be quite convinent.

Let me know if you need any more help lah.
2006-11-15 6:24 am
Grandcentral - 3*
Furama Hotel - 3-3.5* (furama 有幾間: furama city centre, furama riverfront, furama riverview) 個人認為city centre 比較好, 因為o係唐人街, 步行5分鐘就係chinatown mrt station, 呢個酒店裝修無幾耐, 幾新, 張床幾軟熟~~

jestar 係low cost airline, 好似d時間唔係咁好. 我未坐過呢jetstar asia, 不過知道一般呢d low cost airline 係無得揀位坐, 有d無meal, 有meal 都無selection你揀. 可提供一般飲料..但extra 食品及飲料就要加錢. 亦都聽過無free beverage.....間間唔同

其實依家新加坡package 咁平...不如坐番d 大airline 咪仲舒服.....
參考: self experience
2006-11-14 12:13 am
Grandcentral - 3星級;在市中心。
Furama Hotel - 4星級;離市中心若步行11分鐘。

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