東京7日6夜的行程, 請比下意見!

2006-11-13 10:46 pm
Plan 1
Day 1) 成田 (by Limo Bus).....新宿.....庭之湯 (夠時間的話).....新宿 hotel

Day 2) 淺草.....秋葉原.....台場.....新宿 hotel

Day 3) 築地.....DISNEY.....新宿 hotel

Day 4) 原宿.....表參道.....代官山.....涉谷.....新宿 hotel

Day 5) 富士急樂園.....新宿 hotel

Day 6) Lalaport.....池袋.....六本目.....新宿 hotel

Day 7) 新宿.....成田 (by NEX)

Plan 2

Day 3) 築地.....DISNEY.....六本目.....新宿 hotel

Day 6) 八景島.....橫濱(SHOPPING).....新宿 hotel

Day 7) 池袋.....新宿.....成田 (by NEX)

thank you!

回答 (2)

2006-11-14 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

(1) 除非你非常喜愛機動遊戲;若果唔係其實「富士急」同「八景島」是但去一個都得。個人推介富士急多d;裡面o既機動遊戲絕對係世界級水準,鬼屋仲入埋健力仕。

(2) 建議可用700yen都營地下鐵1日乘車券去包括以下車程:
所以,若你唔怕太趕o既(或早d出發),Day 2可以改為:



咁你Day 1/Day 3多出o黎既時間可以去新宿/池袋/其他地方shopping。

(3) 你坐邊班機?若果繁忙時間入東京市Day 1最好唔好坐limosine bus,可以好塞車。Day 7若坐下午機,可以考慮check out之後去上野站locker放底行李,買完手信之後再坐Skyliner去機場。

(4) 若果你住新宿Keio Plaza既,記得善用酒店免費專車去Disney。

(5) 去開橫濱o既,MM21果度有個溫泉樂園「MM21萬葉俱樂部」;我自己就未去過,但可以參考下:

2006-11-14 9:29 pm
築地 sushi is very very good!! you should spend time to eat there as breakfast or lunch!! hgihly recommended!!! and usually there is a long queue waiting in those famous shops. So... if you want to arrive at disney in the afternoon eg 2-3pm... then you can put these 2 in one day~

表參道.....代官山.....涉谷 are all shopping arcades!!!! I am shopping mania, it is not enough time for me if they put in 1 day... depends on you la!!

Limo Bus is quite good for bringing you from the airport to 新宿. But... you will have no idea where they drop you and your luggage!! and I stood in the street and dunno where i was 2 yrs ago... so be prepared to ask a local guy or prepare your hotel name in japanese and get a good street map in hand.
參考: me, tokyo trip in 1/04

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