What is the meaning of : Oh it has good lighting

2006-11-13 10:19 pm
This is the question that I ask before, but I misunderstanded the rules of this forum and end the question. So I question again: ---------------

Suppose you plan to go to a newly opened restaurant in town and you wan to find out if it is good befoer making the reservation. So yo ask your friend about it and you friend says 'Oh it has good lighting'.
Anyone can tell me the meaning of 'Oh it has good lighting'? Is this sentence have different meaning?
Thank you.

回答 (2)

2006-11-13 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I ve read about your other question and Amanda Tan s answer. I agree totally to her opinions. Yes, it could be sarcastic. How do I know? By the word Oh . The usage of Oh here is somewhat sarcastic. If the restaurant were good, why didn t your friend just say so ? So, obviously, your friend doesn t think it s a good one.

Another guess is the restaurant is new, and your friend has nothing to comment on it, except the lighting or furnishing, meaning: It s new. How do you know if it s good or not? I don t have much faith in it s food. If your friend doesn t object to going to that newly opened restaurant, he d simply say, Yes, Let s give it a try. Why not? His attitude is simply cold and unwelcoming. Isn t that obvious?

Did your friend say No more hit for the resturant, or your decision? If he said
No more hit for the resturant, then it s obvious he doesn t like it.

Just suggest other restaurants to him and see how he ll respond, and you ll get his meaning.

2006-11-13 15:10:38 補充:
Anyway, it could all be my wild guess, since I have no idea of his facial expression and tone when he made that comment. Did he seem sarcastic or very warm and friendly?
2006-11-13 10:34 pm
這句的意思是那間餐廳的燈光調較得很好, 相信他是指燈光很柔和, 令人很舒服,又或氣氛很浪漫之類

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