請問大家英文嘅祝福語點串 , 點寫嫁 ?? THANK ~

2006-11-13 8:33 pm
例如 : 生活愉快 , 身體健康 , 嗰 d !
如果有其他 , 麻煩大家講埋比我聽 !! THANK ~

回答 (4)

2006-11-13 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All the Best Wishes!
May all your wishes comes true!
Good Luck!
Wishing you Happiness and Health
Wishing you Happy and Prosperous future
May God Bless you
Wishing you a Happy and Bright Future
2006-11-13 8:44 pm
god bless you
2006-11-13 8:37 pm
Have a happy life.
Good health.
Wish you have a prosperous life and good health.
May your wish come true
2006-11-13 8:36 pm

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