歐洲自遊行注意事項 ?

2006-11-13 8:12 pm
請各經驗人士提點小女子 :

1) 青年旅館的地點 , 價格 (英國, 荷蘭, 德國, 法國 , 西班牙 , 瑞士等首都 )

如有更便宜又清潔 , 安全的其他住宿

2) 以上歐洲交通路線及便宜價格

3) 最須要學習的語言(除了英文)

4) 除了camp基本用品 , 還需什麼 ? 大陸or hk buy ?

5)什麼月份去 , 最多當地節目?

thank you very much !

回答 (2)

2006-11-13 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) You can find the cheap youth hostel online, and they have rating from the people who have stayed there before, (eg. youthhostelworld.com ). And if you really choose to stay with many people in a room, better to bring a lock for your properties. if you can afford, B&B is quite a good choice.

2) For london, bus is cheaper , but if you are not familiar with there, strongly advice to take the tube, and it always have instruction on famous tourist site.

3) English is the most important as you go to different european countries with different language, cannot say which other is most important . As I know most people in Netherlands speak English rather than dutch, Germany and Switzerland speak germen, France speak french, and Spain speak spanish. So there is no another language other than english you can speak for more than 2 countries you mentioned.

4) other than those necessarities, a bag that is tied around your waist is needed (to out your cash and passport).

5) Normally from May to Oct !
參考: Me
2006-11-13 8:28 pm
1.the hostel are not very expensive if you stay in the 6-8 ppl dormitory. but you have to be careful when you are in Spain. I heard there are many robbers in Spain
2. You can take the train. There are usually youth hostel nearby the Central Train Stations in every big cities.
3. English, French
4. Batteries for your cameras, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, rubber band, pocket knife (keep in your luggage, not hand carrier) you can get all the stuff in HK
5 better go in the months May, June, July, August, September

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