why is planning important???

2006-11-13 7:22 pm
can anyone help me??
i don'T know how to answer the question.

Also,what in outline form are the principal types of planning?

回答 (1)

2006-11-14 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Planning is important because “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.

Proper planning can assist you in effectively allocating the resources and eliminate the possibility of waste which may be happen during the process towards goal. Also error and problems can be easily identified because the defective is obvious when compare the actual the flow of process.

The procedure of planning is (also called Decision Processing):
Step One: Identification of a Problem
Step Two: Identification of Decision Criteria
Step Three: Allocation of Weights to Criteria (Assign Weighting/prioritize)
Step Four: Development of Alternatives (generate alternatives)
Step Five: Analysis of Alternative
Step Six: Selection of an Alternative
Step Seven: Implementation of the Alternative (organizing)
Step Eight: Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness (result)

Although planning can reduce the occurrence of errors, it can not absolutely avoid the problem happens
參考: ADMS test questions

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