Minimum wage in Hong Kong

2006-11-13 6:08 pm
What is the minimum wage (per/hr) by law in Hong Kong now?

回答 (3)

2006-11-13 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案


2006-11-13 6:36 pm
Currently there's no Minimum wage in HK right now but some associations are fighting for it. They are suggesting numbers like 25 to 30 dollars per hour or 6000 per month. The government addressed this issue, although not welcomed by most labor-concerns parties, by promising to setup things like : banning underpaid jobs in labor department advertisements or voluntary minimum wage by business

Shortly after the policy address GOV had also stated a short review which will take place 1 year later

2006-11-19 17:07:02 補充:
over simplified explaination of running a business. afterall budget is not a golden rule; it is, actually, derived from the labor demand. So it is, indeed, quite wrong to say due to "budget constraints" ... because budget is one thing, and requirement is it's root.
2006-11-13 6:13 pm
i don't think there's minimum wage by law in hk.

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