plural numbers

2006-11-13 5:56 pm
What is the numerary adjunct for crab,chicken,pigeon,corn..etc

ex:五隻蟹=Five pieces of crabs ?OR 5 crabs?
a cob of corn ? a cob on corn?

Any website about these knowledge??

回答 (1)

2006-11-13 6:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
crab, chicken, pigeon 都沒有量詞, 即 5 crabs, 5 chickens, 5 pigeons....

一串粟米是 a ear of corn

such knowledge is about collocation. I cannot find any online resources for that. But there are many dictionaries specilising in collocation.

Please refer to a previous answer on KNOWLEDGE+

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