what is the difference between industrial and product design

2006-11-13 4:08 pm
what is the difference between industrial design and product design I know they both create things used by people but what is the difference please explain in a way that you think i can understand in detail.and don't just give me whatever answer according to quesion please.and try to answer in one day will ya it would be more helpful THX!

回答 (1)

2006-11-13 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
industrial design is more diverse than product design.
an industrial deisgner is expected to know the whole process of how a product is produced, including basic market research, manufacturing process, knowledge on material, product design, marketing, ergonomic and a bit on project management.

product design is more "form" base - form follow function, a product designer might not know too much on manufacturing and marketing.

For industrial designer, its more about ''function + form" . Not only to design a product, but to actually design for a specific market to suit their need.

I'm a industrial design student, thus my comment might be a bit bias

2006-11-13 14:02:43 補充:
for more detail u can look it up at www.wikipedia.comjust search for product design and industrial design
參考: ME~

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