
2006-11-13 3:09 pm

if yes, 有咩方法出到機場?

回答 (2)

2006-11-14 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Underground and Buses are as normal - But do remember to get an "Oyster" Card (similar to our Octopus Card). Otherwise, you will have to pay far more money in cash.

You can get your "Oyster Card" from the British Tourist Office at the Airport (near the underground ticket office).

The most convenient and economic way of getting into town from Heathrow is by underground (i.e. MTR) at about GBP 3.5 (or HK$50).
2006-11-13 3:23 pm
No, there are transport on these days.
To london, travel by underground or airbus (special bus from airport to London). Check at the information counter at airport.

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