有關mouton rothschild紅酒

2006-11-13 2:31 pm
本人有一支1982年的mouton rothschild,請問現在是否當飲時候,還有這支酒現在直多少錢呢,比較近年的mouton rothschild又要幾錢一支呢,本人財梳學淺,多謝你的回答。

如本人想將之變賣,有何方法和渠道呢? 多謝補答。


yes.. i want the addresses, of the wine stores in Causeway Bay. thank you very much.

回答 (2)

2006-11-13 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1982年的Mouton Rothschild,國際公認評酒專家Robert Parker評為98-100分(100分為滿分)。當年入樽後已判定可收藏25至30年,所以現在享用正是時候。


2000, 2003及2005Mouton Rothschild 的評分都很好,國際市場現貨價現約為US$600至US$800。(2005 為期貨價)但已斷貨。

2006-11-14 09:31:04 補充:
There are 2 ways to sell it at least: Bring the wine to some wine stores in Causeway Bay area ( I can e-mail you some addresses to avoid advertising here, if you really want) but anticipate they will pay only 1/2 of the market price (they need to make profit and not sure about the wine condition)

2006-11-14 09:34:48 補充:
Or you can sell it at e-bay or at www.winecommune.com. This site allow wine lovers to trade their wine. But of course you need to set up an account. And all transection will be conducted in US$$. You can sell it at a better price here.

2006-11-14 09:35:18 補充:
May I ask: why you want ot sell it? there are not that many around...
2006-11-16 3:20 pm
yes, now is the perfect time to drink.
it worth about $15000 to $20000 HKD
you can sell it at e-bay

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