
2006-11-13 1:33 pm


回答 (4)

2006-11-25 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實第一位已答得好好 >>What makes you think you can beat me?

但再貼設些,你想講的<<憑咩>> 是 ON WHAT GROUNDS?所以,


On what grounds do you think you can beat me?

是用 On what grounds,基於甚麼理據,和用 beat me, 不是 win me. Win 後面是加死物,即那場比賽,不是贏的人。用 BASED 不是太正宗,但可以用 based on what grounds? 但個 based 好多時是省了不用。

What makes you think you can beat me? On what grounds?

On what grounds do you think options should be removed from the long list? Are other issues important when ...

還有,可說 Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰?

2006-11-24 23:49:28 補充:
2006-11-13 7:32 pm
On what do you base to win me ?

What support you to win me ?
2006-11-13 2:17 pm
What makes u think u can win me?
2006-11-13 1:42 pm
--What makes you think-- you can beat me?

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