點寫invitation letter??

2006-11-13 8:42 am
我公司下個月會搞個annual dinner請d員工參加, 如果參加的話要send email or tel 黎報名.
想問下英文點寫好呀, many thanks ar.^.^

回答 (2)

2006-11-13 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Colleagues,

Our annual staff Dinner Party will be held on Friday 22nd December at the "South Yarra Tennis Club" commencing at 6.00 pm.

Please reply to this email or via phone reservation.

This is an advance notification - please keep the date free.

參考: my company invitation
2006-11-13 9:25 am
I (or we) would like to invite you all to join the annual dinner which will be held on [date] at [venue]. Interested parties please contact [who] at [telephone number] or [email address] by [deadline date] for enrollment.

在[ ]填上有關資料
參考: 自己

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