談話時的short forms

2006-11-13 8:10 am
可唔可以提供一些可以在談話時用到的英文short forms...

coz = because
wanna = want to

回答 (5)

2006-11-13 1:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Gonna --> going to
Sup --> whatsup
Jeez --> Jesus Christ! (Not in religious way)
can't --> cannot
doesn't --> does not
gotta --> got to
goalie --> goalkeeper
they're --> they are
ain't --> are not
I' ll --> I will
shouldn't --> should not
wouldn't --> would not
see ya --> see you later
bike --> bicycle
mike --> microphone
fridge --> refridgerator
lab --> labortory
UFO --> unidentified flying object
cop --> police
don't --> do not
thingie --> (used instead of a name that one cannot remember)
ho --> hello
helo --> helicopter
gotcha --> got you / got it
dad --> father
mom --> mother
sis --> sister
bro --> brother
(verb)'im --> (verb) him
(verb)'em --> (verb) them
bio --> biography / biology
pro --> professional

另外, 人們還把別人的 names 縮短


Jeffrey --> Jeff
Tommy --> Tom
Samson --> Sam
Dennis --> Den
Nickolas --> Nick

不過, 這問題問的是談話時用到的英文short forms, 不是 writing 時用到的英文short forms
所以一些人題到的例如 ASAP 或 sum 1 是不正確的.
參考: Myself
2006-11-13 8:59 am
lol = laugh out loud
cuz = because
btw = by the way
what's up = watzup
2006-11-13 8:35 am
em = them

wz/wif = with

sum1 = someone

c ya l8r = see you later

ttul = talk to you later

99 = night night

dunno = don't know

2006-11-13 07:54:02 補充:
sup = what's upabt = aboutmgt wz mkt = management with marketingtkt = ticketbskball = basketballpro = problembro = brotherco. = companyreli = really
2006-11-13 8:23 am
gotta = got to
gonna = going to
see ya = see you

2006-11-13 00:24:45 補充:
wassup = what's up

2006-11-13 00:59:06 補充:
pic(s) = picture(s)fridge = refrigeratort.v. = televisionbike = bicycle

2006-11-13 14:28:41 補充:
outta = out ofgotcha = got you
2006-11-13 8:21 am
gonna = going to
A.S.A.P. = as soon as possible
with'em = with them
with'm = with him

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