why god 造 人 有 唔 相 同種族 ,白黑黃,,,why the god is not yellow skin?

2006-11-13 8:09 am
why the god 造 人 有 唔 相 同 種 族 ,白黑黃,,,why the god is not yellow skin????



i just want to know what colour!!!!

回答 (4)

2006-11-15 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I'm my memory god was not seen.... in the Exodus, God told Moses (Musa) that Moses saw God's face, he will died right there, since then no one even mentioning it.... I guess the only way to see it is after u died and go to the judgement place.

2. The person who got Cruxified (died on the cross) is Jesus. According to the history, he would be a Semitic person, more specified would be Jewish, and in the skin colour thing he would be white i guess.

3. The thing about skin colour is happen due to different deposit in the melanin in the skin to protect ppl from sun exposure. More sun exposure u get, the more melanin you will get. And to be honest, sometimes those white, yellow, black stuff is not even working.
I am Chinese, but im whiter than a lot of white people. How does that sounds??!?!
參考: Personal experience, the Christian Bible
2006-11-14 6:02 am
God is yellow!! his brain fill with yellow!!!!!! So horrible!
參考: 厠內平安
2006-11-13 10:08 am
有沒有聽過巴比倫塔的故事-----天地初開,每個人都是一樣,不論外在及語言,就是因為同一,所以他們共同想知道神所存在的地方是怎樣而神的外表是怎樣!所以他們做了一座直達天上的塔,希望可以看見神!而神就在他們將要成功的時候就打雷--把塔毁了之餘,亦把一切变更 !使人有不同種族而避免人們團結一致地去挑戰他!
2006-11-13 8:17 am
I suppose you meet God already, since you said the god is not yellow skin!

If not, maybe you are not meeting the ture God, because you use the word 'god' and 'the god'!

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