chloestrol level

2006-11-13 7:53 am
My cholestral level remains very high despite I eat normal food. Doctors say it is hereditary (something with my family). What do you think? Of course i need more exercise.

回答 (2)

2006-11-13 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
With only 30% of cholestero comes from the foods you take while 70% would be made by your liver, it is likely that you have inherited this cholestero problem from your parents. However, it is still better to have dietary control together with sufficient exercise even this is hereditary.

I'm having the same problem and my doctor suggested me to have statin therapy. I asked him to let me have a dietary control because I have the same problem in 2002 and it was work. Below is the Health Centre's nutritional consultant's suggestions:-

1. Daily cholestero to be not more than 200mg( so as to reduce the present level).

2. Fast walking (130 pace/minute) for 35 minutes with 20-25 minutes warm-up/stretching exercise.

3. To have balanced nutritional food according to the Food Pyramid,i.e. (Daily)
*** 1glass (250ml) of skimmed milk (breakfast)
*** 9 portions of cereals (breakfast : 2 / lunch : 3 / dinner : 4)
*** 7 portions of meat and alternatives (breakfast : 1 / lunch : 3 / dinner : 3)
*** 3 portions of vegetables (breakfast/lunch/dinner : @1)
*** 2 portions of fruits (lunch : 1 / dinner : 1)
*** 4 portions of fats (lunch : 2 / dinner : 2)
2006-11-13 7:58 am
Yes, there is such a thing which high cholestral level can be hereditary. Sometimes it is too high to be controlled by medicine. SO more exercise, eat more health may not help but better than doing nothing.

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