請求幫我翻譯以下文字.....中轉英(15 points)

2006-11-13 7:21 am
Sophia : YI?伯母?你仲係街到既?你快d返屋企啦,你個乖女今晚有驚喜俾你呀!
Suki : 驚喜? 哈哈,佢會先算啦~er~你地打完機啦?
Sophia : 算係啦~個ada無啦啦走左唔知咩事…一陣仲諗住去酒吧慶祝tim~
Suki : 飲還飲~唔好飲太多呀!
Sophia : 知啦~伯母~你快d返屋企先啦~小心d呀~
( Suki 過馬路,可惜有個司機衝綠燈撞倒suki)
Sophia : 呀!(尖叫)
Rinky : 喂!你望住我呀!有冇聽我講野ga?你快還番d錢俾我呀!
Ada : 阿媽!嗚嗚………
Rinky : 喂~你走去邊呀?
Sophia : Rinky~你唔好咁咄咄逼人woo!阿Ada都係為左送呢對鞋俾佢阿媽做生日禮物先唔還d錢俾你住者,你想點丫?

回答 (3)

2006-11-13 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
(Sophia bumps into Suki when leaving Viedo Game Centre)
Sophia: Hi Auntie. How come you are not home yet? Your daughter is going to give you a surprise tonight! Let’s get back quickly!
Suki: Surprise? Haha. I doubt about it. So I assume you are done with Viedo Games today?
Sophia: I guess so… Ada left suddenly without telling us why… We have originally planed to have a celebration at a bar…
Suki:Have all the fun you want, but don’t drink too much, OK?
Sophia: Sure. Auntie, you should go home now. Take good care.
(Suki crosses the road, but get hit by a car running into a green (red?) light)
(Squeeking noise from car braking)
Sophia: Ah!!! (Scream)
(On the other hand, Ada has witnessed the accident and was stocked)
Rinky:Hello! Why are you keep staring at me? Have you paid any attention to me at all? You better pay me back now!
(Ada rushes to where Suki is)
Ada: Mom! Wo wo wo…
Rinky: Hello, where are you heading?
Sophia:Rinky, can you stop being so pushy! Ada has not returned money she owes you because she is buying these shoes for her mother. What do you want now?

2006-11-13 00:14:14 補充:
.. and was shocked (not stocked, typo)
參考: myself
2006-11-13 2:09 pm
(Sophia left thevideo game store, and met Suki in front of the store)
Sophia: Hi, Auntie Suki? Why are you still here? You should rush home as soon as possbile because your daughter will give you a surprise tonight.
Suki: Surprise? She will do something like that? Nah!! You are leaving now?
Sophia: Yes, Ada suddently left without notified me, don't know what happened to her. We are planning to go to the pub to celebrate.
Suki: Don't drink too much!!
Sophia: I know Auntie Suki. You better leave now. Take care!!
(Suki crossed the street, but a careless driver passed the red light and hit Suki)
Sophia: Ah!! (screamed)
(Ada saw that and shocked)
Rinky: Hello!! Look at me!! Are you listening to me? Hey, you should pay me back the money you borrowed as soon as possible.
(Ada rushed to Suki)
Ada: Mom! Woooooo... (crying)
Rinky: Hey, where are you doing?
Sophia: Rinky, you better leave her alone. Ada wants to buy this pair of shoes for her mother's birthday. That is the reason she doesn't have any money left to pay you back. What do you expect?
2006-11-13 7:36 am
(Sophia leaving machine 舖, is entrance sees suki) Sophia: YI? Aunt? Your Zhong is the street to already? Your quick d returns the room business, your clever female tonight has pleasantly surprised 俾 you! Suki: Pleasantly surprised? Ha ha, 佢 can first calculate ~er~ you hit machine? Sophia: Calculated is ~ ada does not have walks left does not know baa the matter... A Zhong thinks about the bar to celebrate tim~ Suki: Drinks also drinks ~ not not well to drink too many! Sophia: Knows ~ aunt ~ you quick d to return the room business first ~ careful d ~ (the Suki street, what a pity has a driver to flush green light to knock down suki) (ghost vehicle sound) Sophia: ! (Scream) (another side box, Ada looks, dull is left... .) Rinky: Feeds! You look me! Has 冇 listens to me to speak wild ga? Your quickly also d money 俾 I! (Ada breaks through suki to) Ada: Mother! Hum... ... ... Rinky: Side feeds ~ you to walk? Sophia: Rinky~ you not good 咁 aggressive woo! Arab League Ada all is for left delivers makes the birthday gift to the shoes 俾 佢 mother first not also d money 俾 your living, you want to select the bifurcation?

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