請求幫我翻譯以下文字.....中轉英(15 points)

2006-11-13 7:18 am
Sophia : 死妹釘呀!係地鐵站等啦咁!冇遲到呀!
Ada : 係啦係啦~陣間見!
Ada : HI~Baby! (抱抱)
Sophia : HI~去打機咯!
Ada : OK!但可唔可以陪我去買鞋先?你知啦,我阿媽今日生日~
Sophia : Sure啦~
Sophia : 嗱!!!買完鞋啦~去得機舖啦!
Ada : 當然啦!!我都好耐冇同你大癩大肺啦!哈哈哈哈
Rinky : YI?伯母…點解你係到既?你做緊咩呀?
Suki : 無…無呀…我食完飯冇野做落街睇下有冇野執者…
Rinky : Ada病左woo…佢冇咩事呀ma?!?
Suki : 佢病左咩?!?..哈…我病佢都未病啦..==”
Rinky : 哦!唔該哂你呀伯母!咁我過去找佢啦~你小心d 呀

回答 (1)

2006-11-13 2:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sophia: All right. We will meet at the subway (or MTR) station. Don't be late!!
Ada: Yes. See you later!
Ada: Hi, Baby! (hugging)
Sophia: Hi, let's go to play video games.
Ada: Ok, but I have to go to buy a pair of shoes first. You know, today is my mother's birthday.
Sophia: Sure.
Sophia: After we buy the shoes, we must go to play video games.
Ada: Of course! I don't play with you for a while. hahaha...
Rinky: Oh, Auntie... why you are here? What are you doing here?
Suki: I just had my dinner and had nothing to do, so I decide to come to shopping to see if there are anything on sales.
Rinky: I know Ada is sick. Is she feeling better now?
Suki: She is sick? Ha... I think I am sick, not her. She went out early in the morning. See, she is over there, isn't she? Sigh! She went to play video games again.
Rinky: Excuse me, Auntie! I'll go and get her. Take care!

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