
2006-11-13 7:15 am
點解我上網dl左d片段返黎, 個畫面會拉長左或者變闊左?係咪關d codec事呢?

d片段係電視錄落黎架, 所以唔係16:9架.....



回答 (2)

2006-11-14 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The pixel aspect ratio (PAR) for video signal is different to computer. A pixel in a computer monitor has a PAR of 1:1. A pixel in a NTSC video has a PAR of 10:11. A pixel in a PAL video has a PAR of 59:54. So if your video clip is captured from a PAL signal it would appear taller when playing on a computer. If the video is captured from a NTSC signal it would appear fatter.

2006-11-15 00:35:53 補充:
Media Player Classic can adjust the aspect ratio with keypad keys 6, 4, 2, 8. You can also use video editing software like avisynth or virtualdub to resize the video.

2006-11-15 00:36:11 補充:
But I think the best solution is to tell the author/encoder of the video about this fact and ask them to do the resizing before encoding and publishing on the web.
2006-11-13 7:56 am
可能,或者那是 16:9 那些來的,這樣便會拉長了吧

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