
2006-11-13 6:45 am

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2006-11-13 7:38 am
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Preheat oven to 325°F. Butter 10-inch-diameter springform pan; dust with sugar. Melt chocolate and butter in heavy large saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool to lukewarm. Whisk in sugar. Whisk in eggs 1 at a time, blending well after each addition. Mix in vanilla and salt, then flour. Pour batter into pan. Bake until cake just rises in center (tester inserted into center will not come out clean), about 35 minutes. Cool completely in pan on rack. Cover; chill while making mousse

8 ounces bittersweet (not unsweetened) or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
5 large eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup all purpose flour
2006-11-14 12:50 am

Stir-fried egg whites and shallot w/ oyster sauce.....乾蔥蛋白炒飯
Ingredient:Cooked rice 400 g [14 oz], Shallots 4 [sliced], Green onions 2 [sectioned], Egg whites 4 [beaten]
Seasoning mix: Premium Oyster Flavored Sauce 2.5 tbsp...(舊庄特級蠔油)
Cooking Method:1.Heat 2 tbsp oil. Saute shallots and green onions until fragrant.
2. Add egg whites and stir-fry until half done. Stir in rice, seasoning mix and heat through.Se rve

Braised Pork with Mui Choi...簡易梅菜扣肉
Ingredients:Pork belly - 1pc (600g) 、Ginger - 8 slices 、Spring Onion - 4 stalks、 Chicken marinade - 1-1/2 cups 、Shaoshing wine - 2 tbsps、 Water - 3 cups、 Mui Choi (chopped) - 6 taels (240g) 、Sugar - 2 tsps
Cooking Method:1. Wash pork belly, cover with water and parboil for 10 minutes together with 4 slices ginger and 2 stalks spring onion, remove and rinse.
2. Add the rest of the ginger, spring onion and water to the chicken marinade and bring to boil.
3. Add pork belly and wine, simmer for 45 minutes.
4. Mix mui choi with sugar and spread over pork. Pour in 3/4 cup of the sauce, steam for 1/2 an hour. Overturn pork pieces onto a plate and serve.

Spanish Pork Chop....西班牙豬扒
Ingredients:Pork chop - 4 pieces (120g each)、Onion (shredded) - 1、Green Pepper(shredded) -1、Red Wine -1/4 cup、Tomato Juice - 3/4cup、Sugar - 2tsps、Salt and Pepper - to taste
Cooking method:1. Pound to tenderise the pork chops.
2. Heat 3 tbsps of oil in a frying oan, fry pork chops over medium heat until golden brown, remove.
3. Saute onion and green pepper with the remaining oil, pour in red wine and tomato juice, bring to the boil and season to taste.
4. Return pork chops to the sauce, braise for 8-10 minutes over low heat. Dish and serve.

2006-11-13 16:51:49 補充:
參考: towngas cooking centre,lkk hk

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