
2006-11-13 4:59 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-14 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can obtain a doctorate degree in three ways.
There are three types of doctorate in HK, namely (1) Professional Doctorate degree; (2) PHD; (3) Honorable Doctor (Doctor of honoris causa in different specialism such as law, engineering, sociology, divinity and the like)

(1) Professional Doctorate degree (taught postgraduate type) such as DBA, D.Acc, EngD, DMgt and the like
Duration: from 2year (full time) or 4-5 years (Part time)
Pre-requisite for admission: Holder of a Master degree in a related discipline/profession
IELTS: at least 6.0 or TOFEL 550 manual score
Fee: $250,000 - 350,000
Academic achievement: a) needs to complete 8 subjects with passed as 8 subjects x 3=24 credits; and b) A typical doctorate thesis contains about 35,200-40,000 words (in 160 pages x 220-250 words) with a narrow focused topic for in depth research; and c) Oral presentation is a must for your thesis
Suggested paper structure for a 160 page of academic paper, of which 10pages for introduction; 55 pages for Lit-Review; 30 pages for Methodology; 35 pages for data analysis and 30 pages for conclusion but it is not compulsory

(2) PHD (research type) in a wide variety of disciplines
Duration: within 27 months (full time) or 5-6years (part time)
Pre-requisite for admission: a) Holder of an MPhil leading to PHD registration or b) Holder of bachelor at least 2nd honor degree lower class or above (3rd honor maybe not considered) related discipline/profession is a must
IELTS: at least 6.0 or TOFEL 550 manual score
Fee: Part time students can register as a research assistant or associate who needs working for university that the fee could be waived or otherwise $43,000 annum for full time students.
Academic achievement: a) needs to complete 8 subjects including research method with passed as 8 subjects x 3 = 24 credits; b) select a novel (disruptive or breakthrough type) research topic is a must in narrow focus for in depth study; c) A typical doctorate research thesis contains about 52,600-60,000 words (in 240 pages x 220-250 words); and d) Oral presentation is a must for your thesis.
Suggested paper structure for a 240 page of research paper, of which 15pages for introduction; 75 pages for Lit-Review; 25 pages for Methodology-I; 40 pages for Methodology-II; 45 pages for data analysis of the Methodology-II; and 40 pages for conclusion but it is not compulsory.

(3) Honorable Doctor (doctor of honoris causa) do not require any academic study but s/he must have an extra ordinary contribution of certain capacity for the society

2006-11-14 13:16:17 補充:
Of course someone can BUY a doctorate degree in the market from those lousy foreign institutes with very low quality course work requirement and without any examination

2006-11-14 13:16:53 補充:
Of course someone can BUY a doctorate degree in the market from those lousy foreign institutes with very low quality course work requirement and without any examination

2006-11-14 15:42:08 補充:
correction(2) PHD (research type) in a wide variety of disciplinesDuration: 12-15 months for studying subjects plus paper writing within 27 months (full time); or 5-6years (part time)
2006-11-13 9:46 pm

2006-11-13 13:47:51 補充:

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