
2006-11-13 4:23 am
1.Daniel is handsome.Andrew is________________than Daniel.Janck is the

2.The purse is expensive.The wallei is_____________the purse.The handbag is

3.Linda is beautiful.Lily is___________________________Lily.Amyis________________.

4.Mrs Wong"s food is delicious.Mrs Chan"s food is_____________________Mrs Wong"s.Mrs Lam"s food is________________.

回答 (3)

2006-11-13 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Daniel is handsome.Andrew is more handsome than Daniel.Janck is the
most handsome.

2.The purse is expensive.The wallei is more expensive than the purse.The handbag is
the most expensive.

3.Linda is beautiful.Lily is more beautiful than Lily.Amyis the most beautiful.

4.Mrs Wong"s food is delicious.Mrs Chan"s food is more delicious than Mrs Wong"s.Mrs Lam"s food is the most delicious.

2006-11-12 20:39:07 補充:
你只要記住,,,,,兩個比較的話.....一定要係個verb後面加er,,,,eg::faster,,,,quicker....但係如果個個verb個音係3個音節or以上,,,就要加more (verb) than...eg::more beautiful than,,,,more expensive than而[[最]]的話,,,,eg::最高,最肥等....三個音節or以上,,,就要加the most (verb) eg::the most beautiful,,,th most handsome

2006-11-12 20:39:15 補充:
兩個音節or以下,,,,就係the (verb) est eg::the heaviest,,,the cleverest有d係特別例外的,,,,eg::good better bestbad worse worstfar farther farthest
2006-11-13 4:33 am
1.Daniel is handsome.Andrew is more handsome than Daniel.Janck is the
most handsome.

2.The purse is expensive.The wallei is more expensive than the purse.The handbag is
the most expensive.

3.Linda is beautiful.Lily is more beautiful than Lily.Amyis the most beautiful.

4.Mrs Wong"s food is delicious.Mrs Chan"s food is more delicious than Mrs Wong"s.Mrs Lam"s food is the most delicious.
2006-11-13 4:28 am
1.Daniel is handsome.Andrew is more handsome than Daniel.Janck is the
most handsome men.

2.The purse is expensive.The wallei is more expensive than the purse.The handbag is
the most expensive thing.

3.Linda is beautiful.Lily is more beautiful than Lily.Amy is the most beautiful woman(girl).

4.Mrs Wong"s food is delicious.Mrs Chan"s food is more delicious than Mrs Wong"s.Mrs Lam"s food is the most delicious.
參考: Me

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