
2006-11-13 12:45 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-17 4:29 am
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Egg Budding

3 Eggs
10tbsp Sugar
2cups of Milk
1/2tsp Vanilla essence

2tsp of sugar of caramel

Method :
1. Add all this ingredient in bowl
2. Keep stirring continuously unitl its mixed properly
3. Take a steel vessel and sprinkle 2 tsp of sugar evenly
4. Put the vessel on the stove until a brown layer (caramel) is formed
5. Add the mixture to the steel vessel and put it in a pressure cooker
6. Remove it from the pressure cooker when it is cooked and refrigerate it for about an hour
7. Serve cold
8.Change the quantity of sugar according to your needs.
2006-11-17 5:39 pm
Steamed Milk Egg Custard (1 portion)

150 ml Milk
1 Medium/Large Egg
5 Teaspoons Sugar

1) Boil the milk and add sugar
2) Whisk the egg and stir into the milk mixture.
3) Pour the mixture into a bowl and cover with wrapping paper.
4) Boil water in a saucepan and change to medium heat after boiled. Place the bowl into the saucepan and steam for 8 to 10 mins.
(Shake the bowl slightly. If it is solid, it is done. You can remove the bowl out of the saucepan.)
2006-11-13 12:52 am
Steamed egg pudding with fresh milk

鮮奶燉蛋 1 (4 - 5人份量)
材料:雞蛋 5 隻 (打散) , 清水 1 1/4 杯 , 鮮奶 1 杯 , 冰糖 3 安士
1. 用沸水煮溶冰糖
2. 將奶慢慢拌入蛋液中,加入糖水,用篩子過濾放入碗中
3. 蓋上保鮮紙或錫紙隔水蒸 15 - 20 分鐘
鮮奶燉蛋 2(1人份量)
材料:雞蛋 1 隻, 鮮奶 1/2 杯, 砂糖 2 湯匙
1. 沙糖加滾水 1 湯匙半攪勻,待糖溶才可用
2. 雞蛋打散,加鮮奶拌勻,然後加入糖水再拌勻,用篩隔去泡及拌不開的蛋白
3. 把蛋汁注入碗中,放在蒸架或蒸籠上,用中慢火蒸 4 分鐘,打開蓋,使其疏氣,然後再蓋上鑊 1 次,約蒸 八分鐘便熟

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