
2006-11-12 10:29 pm
句子Besides basketball,xxxxxxx

另外,correct the mistakes in the following sentences時
wrong part pf speech,wrong number係咩意思??

回答 (3)

2006-11-12 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Besides basketball=除了籃球以外
it's an adverb,it's one word

2006-11-12 11:47 pm
Besides basketball:「除了籃球以外」
唔好將beside同besides混淆,beside的意思係「在某物隔鄰」,example: There is a pencil bag beside the stapler. (在釘書機隔鄰有一個筆袋)
而besides係「除....之外」,example: Besides playing basketball, I also like playing football. (我除了打籃球之外,亦喜歡踢足球)

第2條問題個wrong part of speech指文章將啲verb呀,adjective呀攪到亂哂,要你改。
而wrong number指文章寫啲數詞錯咗,example: There is two boys. 你要將is改番做are。
參考: myself
2006-11-12 10:38 pm
Besides basketball=除籃球以外
correct the mistakes in the following sentences wrong part pf speech,wrong number=改正差錯在以下句子錯誤零件pf講話,錯誤號碼
參考: me

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