boss me around

2006-11-12 10:24 pm
boss me around 的英文解釋及作一句句子。(最好不要自已作,在字典抄的就最好)

回答 (1)

2006-11-12 11:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Boss someone around = 經常指使某人做事 (指生晒)
boss (verb) [usually + adverb or preposition] INFORMAL / COLLOQ 口語的

1. to tell someone what to do all the time
2. To give them orders in a domineering way
3. To manage or control someone.

example: I wish he would stop bossing me around in front of my girlfriend.
example: My elder boss me around at home when my mother is not aroundl
參考: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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