Volvo Super Olympian 10.6M and Dennis Trident 10.6M

2006-11-12 10:16 pm
Volvo Super Olympian 10.6M and Dennis Trident 10.6M
Which one is better do u think?
Give me some reasons please


回答 (5)

2006-11-13 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dennis Trident 10.6M is better
Because it's more powerful
Both of them,the seat is good
But I'm sure in KMB
All of the Dennis Trident is sure than the Volvo Super Olympian

I hope I can help you
2006-11-13 9:25 am
下面大家都錯 車輛由編車組按排 不是由好--不好行來定
2006-11-13 12:07 am
dennis trident

因為dennis trident 10.6M 的耐力比Volvo Super Olympian 10.6M 這種名貴巴士較佳,適合大部分路面行走,所以我認為dennis trident 10.6M is the better
參考: me
2006-11-12 11:21 pm
Dennis Trident 10.6M is the best.
Because Dennis Trident is fast,very new,comefortable,smell good and beautiful.
It is excellent.
2006-11-12 10:26 pm
Dennis Trident 10.6M

Speed fast,comfortable
Very good

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