(used to)一問???

2006-11-12 9:51 pm
我想問used to後面個句(Now...)he 或she幾時先要+s,幾時唔洗。例如:
ln the past now
Kenny:be veryunfriendly be very friendly
那這題就係:Kenny used to very unfriendly.Now he is ver friendly.
ln the past now
Helen:was very shy very outgoing
那這題就係:Helen used to be very shy.Now she`s vey ougoing.<---這題個she做咩+`s呀??

那係咪後面個句係現在式就要+`s呀??? 那呢句呢??? ln the past Now I:hate Susan like her very much I used to hate Susan.Now I like her very much.<---呢個又唔洗+`s呀???定係要+呢??


Linda used to think about herself all the time.Now she care about others as well.呢句又唔洗呀???定係要呀???

回答 (3)

2006-11-12 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Helen used to be very shy.Now she`s vey ougoing.&lt;---這題個she做咩+`s呀??

因為第2句是 NOW 所以要用現在式, 而不是過去式
而 She’s MEAN (She is)
由於第2句是現在式 所以就要用is (’s) 囉


ps 你的例句甩頭甩尾 記住小心spelling 呀
如果係test/ exam
明明你係識 但係扣哂分 咁就唔抵喇
參考: my knowledge
2006-11-12 10:43 pm
&quot;used to&quot; 既意思, 係指一個人佢以前係點樣既。其實就used to 就代表係past tense.
但係之後果d句子, 如果係講一個人而家點樣既, 即係最普通既present tense 啦。

I used to hate Susan. Now I like her very much.
呢句&quot;now i like her very much.&quot; 個like 唔使+s, 係因為呢句係第一身, 用&quot;I&quot; 架嘛, 咁咪唔使囉。其實就同之前個句係咪用&quot;used to&quot; 無乜關係。

&quot;Linda used to think about herself all the time.Now she care about others as well.&quot;呢句, 就應該係&quot;she cares about others as well.&quot; 因為係現在式, 而且係第三身&#39;she&#39;, 所以要加s.
2006-11-12 9:56 pm
he is 可以寫成he&#39;s
所以she&#39;s 亦即she is

這個situation 應該是用used to be 呢

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