Please help me anawer the questions!

2006-11-12 8:10 pm
25.Kit ______ at the bus stop every morning.

A.wait B.waiting C.waits D.none of the above

26.The students were talking ______ in the library.

A.noisy B.noisily C.noise D.nosily

29.I am not ______ with her excuses for not doing her work.

A.satisfied B.reason C.demand D.enemy

30.Things that do not belong in a particular category are called ______.

A.vacation B.assortment C.miscellaneous D.service

回答 (4)

2006-11-12 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案

25. B. waits 因 Kit 是第三身單數(不是如qqman....所說因為 Kit 是女仔, 就算是男的或動物都要加 s ), 而她是每天早上都會去巴士站, 凡一些事情是經常發生的而又是第三身單數時, 跟著的那個動詞便要加 s 了.

26. B. noisily 因為這個是助動詞, 影容 talking 這個動詞.

29. A. satisified 我因為不滿她的工作, 這是因她而起的不滿, 所以是被動, 故此便是被動, 那就要用被動式也因是已發生了, 所以便將 satisfy 攺為 satisfied.

30. C. miscellaneous 因物件沒有在某一指定項目類別, 因此是雜項.
2006-11-12 8:50 pm
2006-11-12 8:45 pm
25. C (用present tense來形容kit日常的習慣,kit係女仔所以要加「s」)
26. B (「ing」form後面要用adverb,noise的adverb係noisily)
29. A (呢度講緊有人為自己的惡行(唔做野)而搵藉口,所以令人不能接受/不滿,即係not satisfied)
30. C (好直接,miscellaneous即係雜頂)
參考: 自己
2006-11-12 8:33 pm
25.Kit ______ at the bus stop every morning. C.waits

26.The students were talking ______ in the library. B.noisily

29.I am not ______ with her excuses for not doing her work. A.satisfied

30.Things that do not belong in a particular category are called ______.

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