You have my word 點解?

2006-11-12 6:29 pm
我想問You have my word 點解呀??

you are meant for me. 又點解??

回答 (5)

2006-11-12 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You have my word
Don't take the direct trahnslation, there is a behind meaning for this sentence. It means that whatever I say is true, and that I will do exactly what I say; to summarize, it means I will keep my promise

2. You are meant for me
This sentence is quite direct as it basically means that you mean or represent something in my life. So, it is more like a quote between lovers saying that you are the ONE for me in my life OR you and me are made for each other

Hope that helps!
參考: myself
2006-11-13 8:47 am
You have my word
I will do what I have said to you. That means I promise you.

You are meant for me
You are born belong to me. You are mine!
2006-11-12 6:44 pm
1.You have my word
=I promise you

** I give you my word** (same meaning)

2. You are meant for me

=You are important to me.

參考: Longman Dict.
2006-11-12 6:38 pm
You have my word (for it). = I promise. 我保證。

228句最常用英文口語短句--校園先鋒時空學習信息[ 簡體 ]
182. you have my word. (我保證。) 183. he hit the ceiling at the news.(他聽到那消息暴跳如雷/大發雷霆。) 184. i don't mind staying up late.(我不在乎熬夜。) 185. you're too outspoken.(你太直率了。) 186. i can't afford it. ... - 39k -

you are meant for me. = 你是為我而設。

I am meant for you. = 我是為你而設。

Falider,. you are meant for me,. and I am meant for you . From Lucky. 11:09 AM Add a comment Permalink Read comments (1) Trackbacks (0) Blog it. Permalink. Click to hide the permalink for this entry. ... - 76k -

2006-11-12 10:41:18 補充:
Meant for# To design, intend, or destine for a certain purpose or end: a building that was meant for storage; a student who was meant to be a scientist.from
2006-11-12 6:35 pm
1). 你已經/應該知道我講咩 ( 通常係話我已經give you advice... )
2). 你對我好有意義/好重要
參考: 自己

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