what are the mixture and compound different?

2006-11-12 3:30 pm
what are the mixture and compound different?



no english

回答 (3)

2006-11-12 3:59 pm
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Basically, mixture is a blend of two substance physically. You can seperate them by physical means (like evaporation, filteration). And compound is a blend of two substance chemically. You have to use chemical ways to seperate them (radiation)

Mixture is a mechanical blending of substance physically. The substance will keep its own identity and chemical properties because they're not blending chemically.

Two Kinds of Mixtures

1. Homogeneous mixtures
2. Heterogeneous mixtures

1) Homogeneous mixtures are mixtures that have a definite composition and properties. You can't really see the substance that are being mix together.
- Solutions: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances (solute) dissolved in another substance (solvent).

Solid to liquid ---> Salt dissovled in water.
Liquid to another ---> water evaported in air
Liquid to solid ---> water to ice
Gas to solid --->

2) Heterogeneous mixtures are the opposite of homogeneous mixtures -- they're mixtures that doesn't have a definite composition. You can see the substances that are being mix easily
- Colloid: A mixture mix with a homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture with properties also intermediate between the two.

Examples: milk, chocolate chip cookie, jello, pizza ...

You can seperate mixture using physical means. Filteration, evaporation, distillation, chromatography, solubility or density differences are physical ways to seperate mixtures


Compound is a pure substance composed of two or more elements whose composition is constant with a fixed ratio determining the composition.

For example, water is a compound (H2O) and salt is a compound too (NaCl)

You can't seperate compound by physical means. You need to seperate them using chemical means. Like radiation.
參考: my chemistry book and my notes
2006-11-13 3:25 am
A compound is a substance made of two or more elements chemically joined together.

化合物(儲存在元素中) → 熱能/光能/聲能
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
A mixture is made up of two or more elements or compounds not chemically joined together.


參考: 中三級化學筆記
2006-11-12 3:59 pm
A mixture is the product of a mechanical blending or mixing of chemical substances like elements and compounds, without chemical bonding or other chemical change, so that each ingredient substance retains its own chemical properties and makeup.

A chemical compound is a chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemically bonded chemical elements, with a fixed ratio determining the composition.

For example when oil mixes with water it is a mixture because you can separate each component.

If you light a carbon/charcoal, it produces carbon dioxide because carbon + oxygen generate carbon dioxide. You cannot simply 'separate' out carbon and oxygen again so carbon dioxide is a compound.
參考: Wikepedia and me

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